

As a coach I am more than happy to move to the more directive end of the spectrum where I have relevant experience or a suggestion which might potentially unlock something.

I am also well versed in using my intuition (see later). But am I as adept at hearing my own experience or my own suggestions and applying them for my own benefit and development?

In the spirit of ‘what’s good for the coach can only be a positive for his/her coachees’, I try to fill my year with different experiences which will help me to be at my best. Remove my own interference perhaps. You might call it CPD – I see it as personal renewal & evolution.

The ‘standout’ in recent years has tended to be my detox retreat – now an annual occurrence. An annual treat in fact. I’ve blogged about it before.

The risk is that doing the same thing leads to diminishing returns or, possibly, implies it is becoming just a habit.

So, having taken my own advice, I’ve been away to a special place again – special emotionally, spiritually and physically. Run by the same remarkable person – but in a different place geographically. A serene hilltop haven away from the world. So at least in part a new experience and a pattern adjusted.

Probably the most developmental week I have experienced in years. Not without its challenges – it can be really hard work navigating a detox week although let’s keep some perspective. I wasn’t mining coal.

At a time when I know I have been finding the world a dispiriting place, and after a lengthy client assignment which required resilience and resolve, I knew that I should be trying to find equilibrium and energy. Deeply in a state of detox, where that clarity of thought often resides, I found my way to:

  • Rediscovering a technique for rebuilding my energy (in the moment) which I learned ten years ago, lost touch with along the way, and now have found once more.

  • Learning a Qi Gong movement which also boosts my energy with a mere 5-10 minutes of practice.

  • Recreating some connections with a positive world that maybe had been damaged or lost. A combination of a difficult 2015 personally and world events, recently rather dispiriting, had led to some broken links.

  • Experiencing how breaking a pattern really can reap significant rewards.

  • Re-learning (re-remembering?) to send positive thoughts to someone about whom one is worrying – in place of negative energy.

  • Understanding (even more) ideas on how I can rejig my diet to maximise my energy.

I can be a very commercial, business oriented coach and I think that is how I am seen by some. In fact deep intuition has always been at the heart of my coaching practice, and of my being.

It’s both of the above. Commercial and intuitive. It’s a combination which can be powerful for me and, I know, for my coachees when I use it in their interest and, of course, exclusively on their agenda.

I talk about this with some of the more experienced ‘buyers of coaching’ when I first meet them. It’s a part of what I do. 

I now see that I need to talk about my the power of  carefully applied intuition a little more. And, having spent a week solely focused on attaining that equilibrium and harnessing more energy from the world and from myself (perhaps the preconditions for intuition?), I’m in the right place so to do.

More clarity of thought I hope.

Tony Jackson